The course aims to provide delegates with a broad understanding of environmental issues and their impact upon the tourism sector. The natural environments of regional and global destinations will be explored to enable delegates to assess tourism’s dependency on environmental factors and the changing nature of domestic and international policies in this respect. It also introduces delegates to the main issues of sustainability and tourism in a regional and global context including theoretical models and empirical applications. Finally, an introduction to rural development is provided with a focus on the potential of regional/local products as a means of promoting economic growth. Delegates obtain an understanding of different approaches and models of sustainable development, their underlying assumptions and their main conclusions and policy implications. Delegates gain comprehension on the goals of sustainable tourism and development policies in rural areas and regulatory tools to implement them.
concepts and methods of environmental economics (economics of market imperfections, nonmarket valuation, economic notions of sustainability over time);
Knowledge and understanding:
Applying knowledge and understanding
Making judgments:
Communication skills:
Learning skills: