SPSS (Statistical Package for the Social Sciences)
Course Summary:

The SPSS (Statistical Package for the Social Sciences) course offered by Magna Skills is designed to equip participants with the essential skills needed to effectively utilize SPSS for data analysis and statistical modeling. SPSS is a powerful software tool widely used in social sciences research for data management, statistical analysis, and visualization. This course provides hands-on training in navigating the SPSS interface, conducting various statistical tests, interpreting results, and generating reports.

Course Objectives:

  1. Understanding SPSS Basics: Gain familiarity with the SPSS interface, features, and functionalities to efficiently navigate the software environment.

  2. Data Preparation and Management: Learn how to import, clean, and organize data within SPSS for analysis, including data coding, variable transformations, and missing data handling.

  3. Descriptive Statistics: Explore techniques for generating descriptive statistics, such as frequencies, measures of central tendency, and measures of dispersion, to summarize and explore data distributions.

  4. Inferential Statistics: Develop proficiency in conducting inferential statistical tests, including t-tests, ANOVA, chi-square tests, correlation analysis, and regression analysis, to test hypotheses and examine relationships between variables.

  5. Advanced Techniques and Modeling: Dive into advanced statistical techniques and modeling approaches available in SPSS, such as factor analysis, cluster analysis, and logistic regression, to uncover patterns and insights within data.

Course Outline

Module 1: Introduction to SPSS

  • Overview of SPSS software and its applications in social sciences research
  • Navigating the SPSS interface and workspace

Module 2: Data Import and Management

  • Importing data into SPSS from different sources
  • Data cleaning, coding, and recoding techniques

Module 3: Descriptive Statistics

  • Generating descriptive statistics (e.g., frequencies, means, standard deviations)
  • Visualizing data distributions using charts and graphs

Module 4: Inferential Statistics Part 1

  • Conducting parametric tests (e.g., t-tests, ANOVA) for group comparisons
  • Performing non-parametric tests (e.g., chi-square tests) for categorical data analysis

Module 5: Inferential Statistics Part 2

  • Exploring correlation analysis to examine relationships between variables
  • Performing regression analysis to predict outcomes and test hypotheses

Module 6: Advanced Statistical Techniques

  • Introduction to factor analysis for data reduction and dimensionality reduction
  • Conducting cluster analysis to identify patterns and groups within data

Module 7: Logistic Regression

  • Understanding the principles of logistic regression analysis
  • Applying logistic regression models to analyze categorical outcomes

Module 8: Reporting and Visualization

  • Generating statistical reports and output in SPSS
  • Creating charts, graphs, and tables for data visualization

Module 9: SPSS Syntax and Automation

  • Introduction to SPSS syntax language for automation and reproducibility
  • Writing and executing syntax commands for data analysis tasks

Module 10: Case Studies and Practical Applications

  • Applying SPSS skills to real-world research scenarios and datasets
  • Hands-on exercises and projects to reinforce learning and skill development

The SPSS course empowers participants with the knowledge and skills required to leverage SPSS for data analysis and statistical modeling in social sciences research. Through a blend of theoretical learning, hands-on exercises, case studies, and practical applications, participants will gain proficiency in using SPSS to explore, analyze, and interpret data, enabling them to make informed decisions and draw meaningful insights from research findings.
